MK Neglects Dem`s and PPP`s Lawsuits for Babel

Constitutional Court (MK) decides to decline all PHPU cases filed by several parties for Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Wednesday (25/6) at MK Plenary Room. In the Sentence Trial, MK declines PD’s and PPP’s Pleading, while PBB’s pleading was considered unqualified.

“The Verdict, Objects, to decline Plaintiff’s exception. In the foremost points, to entirely reject Applicant’s pleadings,” Hamdan Zoelva recited, accompanied by others eight justices.  

Upon PD’s pleading, The Court has considered factual events which revealed along the trial. It is proven that elections committees in South Bangka region had revised and corrected unclear numbers in the reported form, hence the signatures contained on the News Event committed by all parties’ witnesses.

The correction is the right action according to law. Re-calculation is considered lawless because no reasonable basis can be adjudicated to launch such decision. Moreover, despite the fact that there were some differences in C1 form, no changes will significantly divert the result. “Besides, the Plaintiff can’t prove the violated in casu acts as being accused conducted by South Bangka KPU. KPU is proven to have proceeded Babel Bawaslu’s recommendation, by asked KPU to prepare budget and any supporting goods to undergo the recommendation,” Mahkamah explained.   

In MK’s view, Babel Committees’ effort to undergo the Bawaslu’s recommendation was an attempt to maintain democracy and lawful elections.

For PPP’s pleading, MK cited no evidence shows any violated action from the Defendant to partially support any particular candidate. Furthermore, no convincing evidences can be adjudicated to signal the indication of KPU’s partiality to number 1 candidate, Mohammad Fauzi.

Unacceptable Lawsuit

Meanwhile, MK stated that PBB’s pleading is unacceptable, due to the lack of effort in fulfilling the regulated requirement. “PBB’s pleading, over electoral threshold for DPR, DPD, and DPRD candidacy is no match to any regulation and Act, thus it will be annulled,” Hamdan Zoelva disclosed.(Panji Erawan/mh/kun)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 | 23:53 WIB 132